These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities

Our Partners

heaal logo
Orange County, California | United States

— Health Equity for African Americans

Health Equity for African Americans League (HEAAL) plays a key role in aligning with equity planning groups and focuses on Black and African American communities to identify social determinants of health, provide education, and actively advocate and influence decision-making in local, state, and federal organizations.

Sunrise Church logo
Buena Park, California | United States

— SonRise Community Christian Church

Sonrise Community Christian Church is a dynamic church located in Buena Park, CA. It is a body of believers made up of people from different backgrounds and stories joined together because of the gospel of Christ. Their beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ, with the mission to lead people to honor and glorify Jesus Christ.

Best Health Consult logo
Oregon | United States

— Best Health Consult LLC

Best Health Consult LLC provides high-quality, timely and value-adding clinical, implementation research, reports and manuscript development services, and training in research, report and manuscript development.

African Professionals Connect logo
Anaheim, California | United States

— African Professionals Connect USA

The goal of African Professionals Connect is to provide a forum of association that ensures coordination and cooperation in careers, businesses and investments, to strengthen alliances and uphold our African Values through social relationships among African Professionals living in the United States of America.

Buena Park, California | United States

— Live Live Entertainment

Live Live Entertainment brings people together, fostering a sense of belonging and social connection.